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Feb 26, 2021

Welcome to the Dialed In Podcast! Matt has made a terrible discovery at his new house.. The haunted poop Mariana Trench has followed him to the new house. Matt and Chirs discuss the Civic giveaway that's currently active and how you can win your Japanese HotBoi dream car! Matt and Chris discuss a lot of garage...

Feb 19, 2021

Welcome to the Dialed In Podcast! Matt's been working on the house and the garage project is starting to get going. The Kalos boys came over and dialed in the HVAC. Matt talks about how downsizing makes him feel calmer and pockets fuller so he's been splurging. He also gives some normie stories about the OG mascot chase...

Feb 18, 2021

Welcome To The Dialed In Podcast! Matt's been focused on the house move and vlogging like crazy but he's hyped to do the podcast. Matt goes over the OG Spec Nugget Ice Maker and why it's a must have. The Savage Gooses are shooting videos on the M3 and the Civic. The Garage Giveaway winner is getting ready to get some...