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Oct 29, 2020

Welcome to the Dialed In Podcast! Matt's getting ready to head off to Virginia to build the garage giveaway. Matt goes over some updates on the civic and the giveaway, along with some updated on the OG pressure washer. Matt also talks about how he's ordered about 10 pairs of shoes in a month without telling Michelle....

Oct 16, 2020

Welcome to the Dialed In Podcast! The media team took Matt to lunch and he got himself a nice blue cream soda so he's fired up and ready to go. Matt rants about why he loves sonic tools over everything else especially snap on and harbor freight. Matt goes over his list of cars that he'd have in his new garage. As...

Oct 9, 2020

Welcome to the Dialed In Podcast! Chris will attempt to ask questions in-between discussion of the arrival of 1,800+ Sonic Tools, tire lettering and NOT decorating your car for Halloween. Matt discussed his favorite and least favorite candy from Halloween, he hates caramel popcorn balls! GET THAT JUNK OUT OF HERE! Matt...

Oct 2, 2020

Welcome to the Dialed In Podcast! Matts been wrenching on the Civic and he's feeling great. Matt goes over his full opinion on the new M3 and why he hates it so much. Chris is getting ready to design his new office and Matt's got some strong opinions on how to design an office and garage. As always they take questions...